Marius Duker Author & Editor

Marijke Malsch (PhD) is a senior researcher at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her current research focuses on legitimacy of the judicial system, experts in the criminal justice system, stalking legislation in Europe, and lay participation in the criminal justice systems of European countries. Malsch is also working as a honorary judge at the Appeals Court of Den Bosch and the District Court of Haarlem. Marius Duker (PhD) is an associate professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of VU University in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. His PhD thesis is concerned with the measures adopted in the Netherlands to improve consistent sentencing in criminal law. He worked for six years in Dutch criminal law practice and now his current research focuses on subjects that centre around the criminal law perceived as a means of last resort. Duker is also working as a honorary judge at the District Court of Amsterdam.