Maritta Törrönen Editor

Maritta Törrönen is Professor of Social Work at University of Helsinki. Her main research interests concern theory of reciprocity, global welfare society, communities, power relationships, everyday life and well-being, which have points of reference with social work and social policy, childhood, child protection, family research and ethnic studies. Her recent research is linked to international social work and proactive social work. She is leading the project "Reciprocal Encounters – Young People Leaving Care" funded by EU during 2016-2018.

Carol Munn-Giddings is Professor of Participative Inquiry and Collaborative Practice at Anglia Ruskin University, England. She joined ARU in 1995 after many years as a social researcher and research manager in various health and social services settings. Her research focusses on ways in which citizens and citizen groups with a direct experience of a health or social situation can inform the development of appropriate health and social care services. She leads and contribute to a number of regional, national and internationally funded projects in relation to these areas and is host/mentor for the EU funded project (2016-18) Reciprocal Encounters – Young People Leaving Care led by Prof Maritta Törrönen.

Laura Tarkiainen is a doctoral student of Social Work at University of Helsinki. Her main research interests concerns discourses on prolonged unemployment, poverty and deservingness. Laura locates herself within the social constructionist and critical social work tradition, and has a special interest on discursive methods and questions that sit on the boundary surface of social and labour policies.