Discourses of Neoliberalism in Singapore's Higher Education Context
Marissa K L E - Hardback
Sabine Tan was until recently a Senior Research Fellow at Curtin University, Australia. She has a background in critical multimodal discourse analysis, social semiotics, and visual communication. She has applied multidisciplinary perspectives for the analysis of institutional discourses involving traditional and new media, and worked on interdisciplinary projects involving the development of interactive software for the multimodal analysis of images, videos and 360-degree videos for research and educational purposes.
Marissa K. L. E is currently a Lecturer at the Centre for English Language Communication (CELC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. Her research interests include systemic functional linguistics, critical multimodal discourse analysis and conceptual metaphor theory. She has published and presented in the areas of social semiotics, multimodal discourse analysis, multiliteracies and the use of multimodality for educational purposes.