Child-Friendly Perspectives on Gender and Sexual Diversity
4 contributors - Hardback
Jose Antonio Langarita’s professional interests have centred, since the beginning of his career, on the study of sexual and gender diversity from an interdisciplinary perspective. In the course of his research, he has made use of knowledge and methodologies from different fields of social sciences. This has led him to publish the results of his work in scientific journals from different fields, transdisciplinary journals, and books and book chapters in several languages. Dr. Langarita has been the international coordinator of the Diversity and Childhood project (2019-2021), funded by the European Commission, as well as of the Colourful Childhoods project (2022-2024), also funded by the European Commission. Both projects focus on sexual and gender diversity in childhood.
Ana Cristina Santos has abackground in Sociology and a PhD in Gender Studies. She is Principal Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra (CES-UC), where she is Chair of the Democracy, Justice and Human Rights Thematic Line and co-Director of GPS – Sexualities Research Group. In 2021, she was elected to the Executive Committee of the European Sociological Association until 2024. She has published extensively and coordinated several research projects on LGBTI+ issues, gender, dissident embodiment and intimate citizenship, including two European Research Council awards. From 2022 onwards, she has led funded research exploring experiences of LGBTQ+ older adults. Her most recent books are The SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities (coedited, 2020), The Tenacity of the Couple Norm (co-authored, 2020), and LGBTQ+ Intimacies in Southern Europe (2022, forthcoming).
Marisela Montenegro is a professor in the Department of Social Psychology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Her research activity focuses on the critical and postcolonial analysis of research, teaching, and social work in areas such as social services for migrant women, social movements, and the social construction of gender and sexuality. She has recently coordinated the European project "Building Inclusive Societies: Diversifying Knowledge and Tackling Discrimination through Civil Society Participation in Universities", and participated in the European project "Diversity and Childhood (D&C). Changing social attitudes towards gender diversity in children across Europe".
Mojca Urek is Associate Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work. She has conducted research on narrative approaches in social work, mental health, LGBTI+ and gender-based violence. She was the national lead of five European projects, two of which focused on LGBTI+ inclusive social care (overcoming cis- and heteronormative practices in the care of LGBTI+ older people through training and combating violence against gender non-conforming children). She is the author of the monograph "Stories at work: narrating, recording and reporting in social work" and co-author of five other monographs.