The Tales of The Clerk and The Wife of Bath
Geoffrey Chaucer - Hardback
Paul Salzman is a Professor of English literature at La Trobe University, Australia. He has published extensively on early modern women’s writing, including the monograph Reading Early Modern Women’s Writing (2006). He has recently completed an on-line edition of Mary Wroth’s poetry (http://wroth.latrobe.edu.au/) and is now working on an on-line edition of Love’s Victory and a book on literature and politics in the 1620s.
Marion Wynne-Davies holds the Chair of English Literature in the Department of English at the University of Surrey, UK. Her main areas of interest are Early Modern literature and women’s writing. She has published two editions of primary material, Renaissance Drama by Women: Texts and Documents (1995) and Women Poets of the Renaissance (1998), as well as several collections of essays in the same field. She has published four monographs, Women and Arthurian Literature (1996), Sidney to Milton (2002), Women Writers of the English Renaissance: Familial Discourse (2007) and Margaret Atwood (2010); the next book, Memorialising Early Modern Women Writers will be published in 2014.