Food Futures in Education and Society
3 contributors - Paperback
Marion Rutland is currently an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Roehampton, London. Previous roles at the University (1993 – present) include Principal Lecturer, Course Leader for the PGCE Design and Technology Secondary programme, Curriculum Leader for the primary D&T programmes, Course Leader for school based D&T graduate teacher programme for the West London Partnership and MA Tutor and PhD supervisor. Prior to this she taught food related subjects for 20 years in a range of secondary schools in the UK and Australia and was an Advisory Teacher for Information Communications Technology in London. Her research interests include food education in schools, curriculum development, teaching and learning in D&T and creativity.
Angela Turner is a world-class leader in Design and Technology education. She has provided ongoing research excellence to the field, building specialist research in Food Technology education through publications in double blind peer reviewed journals, book chapters and conference papers.Angela's research is interested in the multifaceted relationship between human agency, technology choice, ecology as a material resource, and sustainable preferred futures. Her specialist research area is defined through Technacy Genre Theory (TGT). Angela's research output informs the program of teaching she is responsible for as these are equal fields of inquiry that feed off each other, how we conceptualise technological and scientific knowledge as it relates to food in education settings from teacher education through to higher education and industry based professional development.Angela's current research involves design-led innovation across rural and remote school communities.