Marion Pearce - Paperback
Marion Pearce is co-founder of SKIPP, Saxon King in Priory Park, and spent many years campaigning for the return and display of the Saxon King exhibits which are now displayed in Southend Museum. She has also campaigned for an interactive museum on a brown field site in Priory Park, opposite the original finds, to work in conjunction with the finds in Southend Museum. Milton, Chalkwell and the Crowstone was originally published in 2000 and has now been updated and revised with new information available. Marion Pearce was the publisher of Pentacle Magazine, the largest independent Pagan magazine in the UK with a large circulation in the US. She is the author of Gods of the Vikings, published by Avalonia. She is also author of The Roman Calendar which has been republished by Fenix Flames of Nottingham. Marion is also the author of Celtic sacrifice: pre-Christian Ritual and Religion which has been republished by Fenix Flames and is available. Celts Masters of Fire is being also being republished by Fenix Flames and will be available in due course.