Marion E Broome Editor

Mary Sitterding, PhD, RN, CNS, serves as executive director, Nursing Research, Professional Practice and Operational Improvement at Indiana University Health in Indianapolis, Indiana. Mary is published in top-tier research journals including the Western Journal for Nursing Research and Medical Care. Mary is a member of the American Nurses Association, Sigma Theta Tau International and American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE). She has served on the AONE Patient Safety and Quality Committee and currently serves on the AONE Nursing Research Committee.

Marion E. Broome, PhD, RN, FAAN, was appointed dean and vice chancellor for nursing affairs at Duke University and associate vice president for academic affairs at Duke University Health System in Durham, North Carolina. As a preeminent scholar in the health care field, Dr. Broome has published over 100 articles in refereed journals in a variety of disciplines, as well as 10 chapters and five books. She is currently editor-in-chief of Nursing Outlook, the official journal of the American Academy of Nursing and the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science.