Mario Eguiluz Alebicto Author

Mario Eguiluz Alebicto is a software engineer with over 15 years of experience in development. He started developing software with Java, later switched to Objective-C when the first iPhone delighted the world, and now, he is working with Swift and involved in backend technologies. He loves to code, build exciting projects, and learn new languages and frameworks. Apart from software development, Mario loves to travel, learn new hobbies, practice sports, and considers himself a hardcore gamer, which he has been since he was a child. Chris Barker is an iOS developer and tech lead for fashion retailer N Brown (JD Williams, SimplyBe, Jacamo), where he heads up the iOS team. Chris started his career developing .NET applications for online retailer dabs (now BT Shop) before he made his move into mobile app development with digital agency Openshadow (now MyStudioFactory Paris). There, he worked on mobile apps for clients such as Louis Vuitton, L'Oréal Paris, and the Paris Metro. Chris often attends and speaks at local iOS developer meetups and conferences such as NSManchester, Malaga Mobile, and CodeMobile. Donny Wals is a passionate, curious, iOS developer from The Netherlands. With several years of experience in building apps and sharing knowledge under his belt, Donny is a respected member of the iOS development community. Donny enjoys delivering talks on smaller and larger scales to share his knowledge and experiences with his peers. In addition to sharing knowledge, Donny loves learning more about iOS, Apple's frameworks, and development in general. This eagerness to learn has made him into a versatile iOS developer with knowledge of a significant number of Apple's frameworks and tools. During WWDC you will often find Donny binge-watching the talks that Apple engineers deliver to introduce new features and frameworks.