Mario Casari Editor

Mario Casari is Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature at the Italian Institute of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University of Rome. His expertise in Arabic and Persian underpins research in the circulation of texts and cultural exchange in the Mediterranean and Middle East from late antiquity to the early modern period. Monica Preti is Head of Academic Programs in the History of Art and Archaeology at the Auditorium du Musée du Louvre and Director of the Fondazione Pistoia Musei. Her research explores the relationship between art and literature in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the history of taste, and the history of collecting and museums from the eighteenth through twentieth centuries. Michael Wyatt is Resident Scholar in the Department of French and Italian and Lecturer in Comparative Literature at Dartmouth College. His work is engaged with the premodern intellectual and cultural history of Italy, focused within a European and Mediterranean matrix, and dealing particularly with translation as both textual and sociopolitical practice.