Marina Goloviznina Editor

Gunhild Hoogensen is Associate Professor in International Relations at the University of Tromsø , Norway.

Dawn Bazely is Professor of Biology at York University, Toronto and is Director of IRIS, the university's Institute for Research and Innovation in Sustainability (2006-11, 2012-13). Trained in the ecological field of plant-animal interactions, at the universities of Toronto and Oxford, she has carried out extensive field research in grasslands and forests, from temperate to arctic regions. She led the Canadian section of the International Polar Year project, GAPS, Gas, Arctic Peoples and Security, and recently spent her sabbatical as a Charles Bullard Fellow at Harvard Forest, Harvard University.

Marina Goloviznina is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Tromsø in the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Community Planning.

Andrew Tanentzap is Banting Fellow at York University in the Department of Biology.