Marilyn J Amey Author & Editor

Marilyn J. Amey is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Administration who teaches courses in the Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education programs. Her primary research area is leadership, and the postsecondary governance, administration, organizational change and faculty issues that fall within that larger rubric. She has particular interest in community colleges and the cultivation of new postsecondary leaders. Her current research involves serving as principle investigator of a project looking at K-14 partnerships, which builds on earlier work on interdisciplinary collaboration. She is co-leader of the evaluation team for a five university, NSF-funded consortium, looking at the evolution of interdisciplinary partnerships and academic work. She is co-author of Breaking Out of the Box: Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Faculty Work, with Dennis Brown, guest editor of an issue of the Community College Journal of Research and Practice, entitled: "Leadership as Learning: Rethinking Community College Leadership", co-author with Linda Kuk and James Banning of Designing Organizations for Sustainable Change, and editor of Collaborations Across Educational Borders. Dr. Amey is immediate past editor of the NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education, the 2005 Senior Scholar recipient of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges and its past President, the inaugural recipient of the Association for the Study of Higher Education's Mentor Award and the chair of its Publications Committee. She teaches courses on administration and governance, leadership, community colleges and faculty. Pamela L. Eddy is a Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership at the College of William and Mary. Her area of research concerns community colleges, organizational change, gender equity, and faculty work. Eddy is recognized as a key scholar on community college leadership and received recognition as the 2006 Emerging Scholar and the 2013 Senior Scholar from the Council for the Study of Community Colleges. Additionally, her scholarship was acknowledged by Central Michigan University when she received the 2007 Provost Award for her research and by the College of William and Mary when she received the 2011 Plumeri Award for Faculty Excellence. She received a 2009 Fulbright Scholarship to conduct research on college partnerships in Ireland. Eddy is the author of Community College Leadership: A Multidimensional Model for Change, and Partnerships and Collaborations in Higher Education. She served as editor of New Directions for Higher Education—International Collaborations: Opportunities, Strategies, Challenges, and of New Directions for Community Colleges—Leading for the Future. Eddy was recognized for her teaching and received the 2008 Central Michigan University Teaching Excellence Award.