Memory Rewritten
Mariella Nigro - Paperback
Mariella Nigro (Montevideo, Uruguay, 1957) is a lawyer, poet and essayist. She who has published eight books of poetry and two of literary essays including: Impresionante Frida. Poemario al óleo (Biblioteca de Marcha, Montevideo, 1997), Mujer en construcción (Vintén, Montevideo, 2000), Umbral del cuerpo (La Gotera, Colección Hermes Criollo, Montevideo, 2003), El río vertical (Artefato, Montevideo, 2005), El tiempo circular (Yaugurú, Montevideo, 2009), Después del nombre (Estuario, Montevideo, 2011), Orden del caos (Vitruvio, Madrid, 2016), and Frida y México. De visiones y miradas (Yaugurú, Montevideo, 2017). In 2011, she received the 2011 Bartolomé Hidalgo Poetry Prize and in 2013 Morosoli Prize, awarded by the Lolita Rubial Foundation, both honoring her complete poetic work. Jeannine Marie Pitas is a teacher, writer and Spanish-English translator originally from Buffalo, NY. She has translated or co-translated nine previous books of poetry, most recently A Sea at Dawn by Silvia Guerra (also co-translated with Jesse Lee Kercheval and published by Eulalia Books. She is Spanish Translator editor for Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry, and she teaches at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA. Jesse Lee Kercheval is a poet, writer, and translator, specializing in Uruguayan poetry. Her translations include Still Life with Defeats by Tatiana Oroño, also published by White Pine Press, Love Poems by Idea Vilariño and The Invisible Bridge: Selected Poems of Circe Maia. She is the co-translator, with Jeannine Marie Pitas, of A Sea at Dawn by Silvia Guerra. She is the Zona Gale Professor Emerita of English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the coeditor of the Wisconsin Poetry Series at the University of Wisconsin Press.