Anciens peuplements littoraux et relations Homme/Milieu sur les côtes de l'Europe Atlantique / Ancient Maritime Communities and the Relationship betwe
8 contributors - Paperback
Tom Dawson is a Principal Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews. Since coming to Scotland in 2000, his two main research interests have been the management of heritage sites at risk from coastal erosion and the integration of archaeological work undertaken by communities with that of academics and professionals. He has managed two community initiatives, Shorewatch and the Scotland’s Coastal Heritage at Risk Project, winner of two British Archaeological Awards in 2014 and has published widely on coastal and community archaeology, and is the editor of Coastal Archaeology and Erosion in Scotland Courtney Nimura is a Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology, Oxford, a Research Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford, and the Assistant Editor of the Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society. She works on a number of projects involving prehistoric art, coastal and intertidal archaeology, and Bronze and Iron Age archaeology in Scandinavia and Europe, on which she has published widely. She was previously a Researcher on the ‘European Celtic Art in Context’ project. Elías López-Romero currently holds a Junior Chair in Neolithic Societies at the LaScArBx Cluster of Excellence, Université de Bordeaux, France. His research focuses on the megalithic monuments and landscapes of the European Atlantic façade, landscape archaeology, and coastal and island archaeology. He has carried out fieldwork and research on these topics in Spain, Portugal, France and Britain and is author of a wide range of publications. Marie-Yvane Daire is senior researcher in the National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS, France, and is affiliated with the Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire (CReAAH) research team in Rennes. She has extensive experience wit