What Is Compersion?
Marie Thouin - Paperback
Marie Thouin, PhD, is the creator of www.whatiscompersion.com, a popular website that features her research, as well as personal and guest blogs, media appearances, and a list of resources on the topic of compersion. She is also the founder of Love InSight, a Mindful Dating & Relationship Coaching practice through which she helps people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, and relational styles navigate the many challenges of intimate love—including those transitioning to non-monogamy or alternative relationship structures.
Thouin serves as Editor at the International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, a leading peer-reviewed publication in the fields of transpersonal and whole-person psychologies. She carried out her doctoral dissertation on compersion in consensually non-monogamous individuals in the East-West Psychology department at the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco. Her seminal work on compersion has been featured in multiple publications and podcasts, including ELLE, Multiamory, Loving Without Boundaries, Leading Edge Love, The Shame Free Zone, and Sex Out Loud.