Marie McGregor Author

Marie McGregor Professor Extraordinarius (Unisa); formerly practising attorney of the High Court of South Africa; Deputy-Director, National Manpower Commission, Professor of Law, Department of Mercantile Law (Unisa). Adriette Dekker BLC (cum laude) LLB (UP) Advanced Diploma (Labour Law) (UJ) LLM LLD (Unisa) Advanced Diploma Alternative Dispute Resolution (AFSA/UP) Practising attorney, conveyancer and notary of the High Court of South Africa; formerly Professor of Law, Department of Mercantile Law (Unisa); NRF rated researcher (2009-2014). Mpfariseni Budeli-Nemakonde LLB LLM (cum laude) (Unin) PhD (UCT) Professor of Law and Head: Department of Mercantile Law (Unisa); NRF rated researcher; admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa; member of the ILO Network of Experts on Workers’ Right to Freedom of Association; NDST Distinguished Young Women: Social Sciences and Humanities Award (2013). Wilhelmina Germishuys-Burchel BCom LLB (UP) LLM (Unisa) Advanced Labour Law Certificate (Centre for Business Law Unisa) Advanced Diploma Alternative Dispute Resolution (AFSA/UP) Senior Lecturer, Department of Mercantile Law (Unisa); practising attorney, conveyancer and notary of the High Court of South Africa; Lecturer at Centre for Business Law (Unisa). Ernest Manamela BProc LLB (Unin) LLM LLD (Unisa) Associate Professor, Department of Mercantile Law (Unisa); formerly at the Collective Bargaining Division of the Department of Labour; advocate of the High Court of South Africa. Tukishi Manamela BProc LLB (Unin) LLM LLD (Unisa) Associate Professor, Department of Mercantile Law (Unisa); advocate of the High Court of South Africa Clarence Tshoose LLB LLM (NWU) LLD (Unisa) Certificate in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law & Human Rights) Senior Lecturer, Department of Mercantile Law (Unisa); Chairperson of Unisa Flagship Committee Socio-economic Rights (2013-2014); formerly Lecturer at NWU (Mafikeng Campus).