Marie Kortam Editor

Juline Beaujouan is a post-doctoral research fellow with the Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform (PeaceRep) based at the University of Edinburgh, as well as a senior researcher with Open Think Tank in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Véronique Dudouet is Senior Advisor at the Conflict Transformation Research Department, Berghof Foundation. She was also coordinator of the EU Horizon 2020 research project PAVE from 2020 to 2023.

Maja Halilovic-Pastuovic is a research fellow at the School of Religion in Trinity College Dublin, where she teaches in the areas of sociology of conflict, race, ethnicity and identity. She is also a radicalisation expert for the Western Balkans as part of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN).

Johanna-Maria Hülzer works in the Conflict Transformation Research Department at the Berghof Foundation in Berlin, where she was part of the coordinating team of the PAVE project on community resilience to violent extremism.

Marie Kortam is an associate researcher at the French Institute of the Near-East (IFPO) in Beirut, and member of the Arab Council for Social Sciences (ACSS). She is also a research fellow at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH) in Paris, France.

Amjed Rasheed is a lecturer of Politics and International Relations of the Middle East at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom. He is also a senior researcher at Open Think Tank in Kurdistan, where he specialises in International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies and Political Islam.