Marie Johnston Author & Editor

Yael Benyamini, PhD, is Professor at the Bob Shapell School of SocialWork, Tel Aviv University (Israel). She teaches assessment in hermasters and doctoral level methodology courses and has a longrecord of research on self-regulation and the role of perceptions ofhealth and illness in chronic diseases, women's health issues, and health promotion. Marie Johnston, PhD, is Emeritus Professor of Health Psychology inthe College of Life Sciences and Medicine at the University of Aberdeen(UK). She is an ex-President and elected Honorary Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society, Honorary Fellow of the BritishPsychological Society, and Fellow of the Academy of MedicalSciences. Evangelos Karademas, PhD, is Associate Professor of Clinical HealthPsychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Crete(Greece). He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate healthpsychology courses at the Universities of Crete and Athens.