Marianne Schmid Mast Author & Editor

Judith A. Hall is a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology at Northeastern University, Boston. She has been editor-in-chief of Patient Education and Counseling and the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, and is currently an associate editor at that journal. She has written and edited several books on nonverbal behavior, interpersonal accuracy and physician-patient communication. Marianne Schmid Mast is a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. She has published over seventy peer-reviewed scientific articles and is currently an associate editor of the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior and on the editorial board of the journal Leadership Quarterly. Tessa V. West is an Associate Professor of Psychology at New York University. Her work examines the experience of inter-group interaction from the perspective of all partners and she has published over thirty articles on interpersonal perception.