Citizenship and Solidarity in the European Union
3 contributors - Paperback
Alessandra Silveira is Professor of European Law at the University of Minho, Portugal, where she also directs the Centre of Studies in EU Law (CEDU) and the Master’s degree in EU Law. She holds a Jean Monnet Chair linked to the project «Citizenship of rights: European citizenship as the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States».
Mariana Canotilho has been Legal Adviser to the President of the Portuguese Constitutional Court since January 2013, and Assistant Professor of Public Law at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, since 2003. She is a member of CEDU (the Centre of Studies in EU Law) at the University of Minho, Portugal. She also collaborates with the Peter Häberle Research Centre on Constitutional Law at the University of Granada, Spain.
Pedro Madeira Froufe is Professor of European Law at the University of Minho, Portugal, where he is also a member of the Centre of Studies in EU Law (CEDU). He is the Coordinator of the Master in Judiciary Law at the University Jean Piaget (Luanda, Angola). He is the author (and co-author) of several texts on European Law, Competition Law and Consumer Credit Law, and he also lectures frequently on the same topics in Portugal, Spain and Brazil.