Cultural Heritage, Community Engagement and Sustainable Tourism
3 contributors - Hardback
Steven Mithen FBA is Professor of Early Prehistory at the University of Reading, UK. His research interests include the origins of language, music, and thought, hunter-gatherers and the emergence of farming. He has undertaken long-term field projects in southern Jordan and Western Scotland and is a founding member of a local charity in Scotland (Islay Heritage, SCO46938). His books include The Prehistory of the Mind (1996), After the Ice: A Global Human History 20,000-5000 BC (2003), The Singing Neanderthals (2005), Third: Water and Power in the Ancient World (2007) and The Language Puzzle (2024).
Mubariz Ahmed Rabbani conducts research on the archaeology of South Asia, with an interest in ancient technologies, socio-economic and political organisation, trade, religion, and human-environmental relationships. He completed his PhD in archaeology at the University of Reading and worked on excavations in Pakistan, Iraq, and the UK. He is a member of the ISMEO Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan.
Maria Rabbani is a Palynologist for Oxford Archaeology. She completed her PhD at the University of Reading, which focussed on human-environmental interactions in the Zagros region during the Late Pleniglacial, Lateglacial and Holocene, using pollen, non-pollen palynomorph, micro-and macro-charcoal and geochemical analyses. Maria has experience in working on lake and wetland sediment and pollen from the UK, Italy, Iran and Iraq.