The Vulva and Vaginal Manual
5 authors - Hardback
Graeme Dennerstein RFD, MBBS, FRCOG, FRANZCOG, is a Melbourne-based, currently practicing obstetrician and gynecologist. He was the Head of the Dermogynaecology Clinic at the Mercy Hospital for Women in East Melbourne.
James Scurry MD, FRCPA, is an anatomical pathologist. He developed a research interest in vulvovaginal disorders while reporting for 10 years for the Dermogynaecology CLinic, Mercy Hospital for Women, Melbourne.
John Brenan MBBS[Hons], FRCAP, FACD, is a currently practicing consultant dermatologst. He was President of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and a life member of the American Academy of Dermatology, a member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology and was Honorary President of the World Congress of Dermatology in 1997. He was the consultant dermatologst to the Mercy Hospital for Women and dermatologist for the Dermogynaecology Clinic at that hospital.
David Allen MBChB, MMed, PhD, FCOG(SA), FRANZCOG, CGO, is a certified gynecological oncologist. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Melbourne.
Maria-Grazia Marin MAPS, is a psychologist in private practice in Melbourne and was the psychologist to the Dermogynaecology Clinic at the Mercy Hospital for Women from 1989 to 2001.