Maria Giulia Marini Author & Editor

Maria Giulia Marini is an epidemiologist, counselor at the Health and Wellness Department of the Fondazione ISTUD, MIlano Italy. With a classic humanistic background, she had a scientific academic training in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, and specialized in epidemiology and pharmacology: she developed a specific interest in the integration of humanities and sciences to favour care  humanization and to offer patients  a health system more in line with their needs and values. With more than 30  years of professional experience in health care, she is founder and president of EUNAMES, European Narrative Medicine Society, tenured professor of Narrative Medicine at La Sapienza, University in Roma Faculty of Medicine,  and referee for  WHO for  “Narrative Method in Public Health.”  Author of more than 100 national publications and several international publications, in 2013 she founded the online journal Chronicle of Narrative Medicine.


Jonathan McFarland currently works as Associate Professor in the  Faculty of Medicine at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and as Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Linguistics, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.  With a background in the Humanities - more than 20 years been working in the field of Medical English, he is a member of AMEE ( Association Medical Education Europe ), as well as being a member of the Moscow Office Committee, and ASME ( Association for the Study of Medical Education). He is also a Committee member of EUNAMES ( European Narrative Medicine Society), and a member of the honorary committee of the Gimbernat Surgical Society, as well as a member of ASOMEGA ( Association of Galician Doctors). He is the lay member for COMETA ( Ethics Committee for Primary Health Care for Mallorca). He is also co-editor of a forthcoming series for Springer entitled, New Paradigms in Healthcare. The first book in the series will be coming out very soon. 

He is the President of The Doctor as a Humanist, which is an International organization of students, scholars, educators and practitioners dedicated to the study, preservation and promotion of the humanities and humanism in medicine and healthcare around the world.