Maria Flynn Editor

Dr Maria Flynn has substantial knowledge, skills and experience in general adult nursing, applied health research and higher education management. Her academic work focuses on developing undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to advance critical engagement with nursing care and professional practice, maintaining core values of academic excellence. Her contribution to health professional education and student experience at Liverpool spans all levels from access programmes to PhD supervision. Commissioned research includes projects to help nurses interpret meaning and generate evidence relevant to practice, resulting in regular contributions to peer reviewed journals and invited international keynote conference presentations. Consultancy and knowledge exchange work encompasses a wide network of academic colleagues, nurses, allied health professional groups, service commissioners/providers, members of the public and European partners. Dr Dave Mercer has considerable knowledge, skills, and experience in providing quality higher healthcare education programmes. He is focused on professional training and research that promotes progressive clinical practice, and committed to a philosophy that values diversity, inclusion, and anti-discriminatory working. For twenty years he has contributed to the undergraduate adult nursing degree programme at Liverpool University, post-graduate curricula, CPD and PhD supervision. With broad recognition in forensic care, his theoretical interests are informed by a critical sociological background. He was Adjunct Professor in the Department of Nursing, University of Ottawa, Canada (2013-2017) and has co-authored/edited five textbooks, published in peer-review journals, and delivered invited international keynote conference papers.