Artificial Organ Engineering
4 authors - Hardback
Maria Cristina Annesini is a full professor of Chemical Engineering Fundamentals at the Department of Chemical Engineering Materials & Environment of the University “La Sapienza” of Rome and holds the chairs of “Transport Phenomena” and “Chemical Reactor Engineering”. She has a thirty-years' experience in academic teaching and research and has published about 100 papers, many of them related to biotechnology and biomedical processes.
Luigi Marrelli has been full professor of Chemical Engineering Fundamentals. Until September 2009 he held the chairs of “Chemical Reactors” at the Department of Chemical Engineering Materials & Environment of University of Rome “La Sapienza” and of “Artificial Organ Engineering” and “Molecular Thermodynamics of Biological Systems” at the Engineering Faculty of the University “Campus Biomedico” of Rome, where he was Dean from 2009 to 2013. Presently, he is professor of “Chemical Reactors” and of “Thermodynamics”. He has a forty-years' experience in academic research and has published about 100 publications, many of them referring to biotechnology and biomedical processes.
Vincenzo Piemonte is associate professor at the University “Campus Bio-medico” of Rome (chairs on Artificial Organs Engineering, Refinery and Biorefinery Processes) and an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University “La Sapienza” of Rome (Chair on Artificial Organs Engineering). His research activity is primarily focused on the study of Transport phenomena in artificial and bioartificial organs. He has about 100 publications on chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, biomedical devices modeling and Bioreactors.
Luca Turchetti is research scientist at the Italian National agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). He previously held research and teaching positions at the Universities “La Sapienza” and "Campus Bio-medico" of Rome. His research activity is primarily focused on the study of adsorption processes and transport phenomena in chemical reactors, biologic tissues and liver support devices. He authored and co-authored about 30 publications including chapters in books, conference papers and articles on international journals.