Deep Eutectic Solvents for Medicine, Gas Solubilization and Extraction of Natural Substances
3 contributors - Paperback
Prof. Sophie Forumentin works at Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, Dunkerque, France. She conducts researches at the interface between supramolecular chemistry and environmental chemistry. Her group firstly published a paper on deep eutectic solvent with supramolecular properties in 2019. She supervised and/or co-supervised 12 PhD students, 20 Master students and 2 post-doctoral fellows. She has now 114 publications listed in Scopus, with a total of 2183 citations and an h-factor of 30. She is also inventor of 1 patent and co-ordinated 3 books. She is the president of the French Cyclodextrin Society.
Res. Prof. Margarida Costa Gomes is a physical chemist and a chemical engineer working at the French National Centre for Scientific Research in Lyon, France. Her current research interests in the field of molecular thermodynamics of fluids and solutions aim to contribute to greener and more sustainable chemical processes by using environmentally friendly solvents like ionic liquids or eutectic mixtures. She was awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal and was an invited researcher at the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology, Portugal and a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, where she maintains a position as research affiliate. Margarida has supervised or co-supervised 26 PhD thesis and 19 post-doctoral researchers and has published more than 140 papers with a WoS h-index of 42.
Prof. Eric Lichtfouse is a biogeochemist working on climate, pollution and carbon sequestration at Aix-Marseille University, France, and Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. He has invented carbon-13 dating and has discovered temporal pools of individual substances in soils. He is teaching scientific writing and communication, and has published the book Scientific Writing for Impact Factors. He is founder and Chief Editor of the journal Environmental Chemistry Letters. He got the Analytical Chemistry Prize from the French Chemical Society, the Grand Prize of the Universities of Nancy and Metz, and a Journal Citation Award by the Essential Indicators. He is World XTerra Vice-Champion.