Pilot Mental Health Assessment and Support
4 contributors - Hardback
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Robert Bor, DPhil CPsychol CSci FBPsS FRAeS UKCP Reg, is a Registered and Chartered Clinical Counselling and Health Psychologist, Registered Aviation Psychologist and Co-Director of the Centre for Aviation Psychology. Carina Eriksen, MSc DipPsych CPsychol FBPsS BABCP, is an HCPC Registered and BPS Chartered Consultant Counselling Psychologist and Registered Aviation Psychologist. Margaret Oakes, MA (Cantab) MSc, Dip Psych, DPsych, CPsychol, is a Counselling Psychologist and airline pilot. Peter Scragg, BSc PsychD FBPsS, is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Principal Teaching Fellow at University College London.