Margaret Bond Author

Margaret Bond took early retirement from a Head of Department position, after a long career teaching Spanish and French in comprehensive, grammar and independent schools. After a few years of enjoying the freedom to travel, she took up a part-time role as Spanish Tutor for trainee MFL teachers, and Link Tutor, liaising with schools in the training of mentors and ITE co-ordinators for a University PGCE course. She is a committed hispanophile with a keen interest in literature and its application in the classroom. She is a co-author of the OUP AS and A level Spanish course books, and has contributed to Kerboodle resources. Lorenzo Moya-Morallón is Head of Spanish at an independent school and has been teaching languages since 1999. He studied for a masters-degree in Law in Spain, spent one year studying in Paris and obtained his PGCE at the University of Newcastle. As well as being Head of Spanish, he is also Initial Teacher Training (ITT) co-ordinator at his school and is one of four housemasters. H