Maren Wehrle Editor

Marta Ubiali is a Post Doctoral Fellow at Research Foundation Flanders and works as a researcher at the Husserl Archives Leuven (KU Leuven). She studied Philosophy at the State University of Milan and did her Phd at the University of Macerata and at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat on Husserl's concepts of Will and Motivation. She is the author of Wille, Unbewusstheit, Motivation: Der ethische Horizont des Husserls'schen Ich-Begriffs (Ergon Verlag, Wurzburg 2012). Maren Wehrle is currently working as a post-doctoral assistant at the Husserl Archives Leuven (KU Leuven). Her research interests include Phenomenology, especially Husserl and Merleau-Ponty, Cognitive Psychology and (philosophical, cultural) Anthropology. Recent publications: Horizonte der Aufmerksamkeit (Munchen: Fink 2013); Die Normativitat der Erfahrung (Husserl Studies 26/2010).