Marcus Wagner Author & Editor

Stefan Schaltegger is full professor for Management and Business Economics at the University of Lüneburg, Germany and director of the Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM). He is head of the MBA sustainability management programme "Sustainament" and chairman of the Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN) Europe. His research deals with sustainability management including sustainability accounting, information management, sustainable finance, sustainable entrepreneurship and strategic environmental management. He is on the board of a number of international scientific associations and journals. Marcus Wagner is assistant professor at the TUM Business School. He is an associate research fellow at the Centre for Sustainability Management, University of Lüneburg, where he also teaches on the MBA programme "Sustainament". His research is concerned with innovation and technology management as well as sustainability management in areas such as co-operation in innovation and sustainable and environmental innovation. Dr Wagner was also a lecturer/author at Hagen University (microeconomics; growth, distribution, business cycles; environmental accounting and performance indicators; environmental economics). From 2002 to 2005, he worked as a senior manager/manager in the semiconductor and chemicals industries. In 2001, he was scientific advisor to the Global Reporting Initiative.