Posting of Workers and Collective Labour Law: There and Back Again
Marco Rocca - Paperback
Marco Rocca is lecturer in labour law at the Institut de Sciences du Travail (UCL) and research assistant at the Excellence Chair on Pensions (UCL). In 2014, he defended his PhD. thesis on posting of workers and collective labour law at the Universit Catholique Louvain. Prior to that, he obtained his bachelor (2007) and master (2009) in Law at the University of Pisa and at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. He is member of the CRIDES Jean Renauld (Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire Droit Entreprise Socit) of the UCL.His research deals with a series of tensions, notably between the EU legal order and international labour law, between fundamental freedoms of the internal market and fundamental rights, and between EU law and the organisation of occupational pensions schemes.