European Ungulates and their Management in the 21st Century
3 contributors - Hardback
Marco Apollonio is full professor at the University of Sassari where he is presently director of the department of Zoology and of the PhD School in Natural Science. His main interests are in ungulate behaviour, ecology and genetics, with specific focus on mating and social behaviour and on predator-prey relationships involving wolves and ungulates. He is president of the Italian Mammalogical Society and was involved in conservation activities as CITES scientific commission member for Italy and as member of the board of directors of two national parks in the last 15 years. Reidar Andersen is a professor in Conservation Biology at the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has been leading several cross-disciplinary research projects focusing on ungulates and large carnivores, always aiming at producing applied knowledge securing a sustainable management of the involved species. In the last years he has been focusing on non-native invasive species. Rory Putman is a freelance environmental consultant and wildlife adviser, based in Scotland, and also holds an Emeritus Chair at Manchester Metropolitan University. He has worked widely in the UK and overseas, with research efforts focused on the population ecology of different ungulate species and their interaction with their vegetational environment – always with the explicit aim of using increased understanding to help develop more sensitive and more effective methods of managing those same ungulate populations and their impacts on agriculture, forestry or conservation interests.