Marcello Chiodi Editor

Eugenio Brentari is currently full Professor of Statistics, Department of Economics and Management, University of Brescia (Italy). His research work mainly focuses on modern approach to the study of skewness, problem of Behrens-Fisher, and Statistics for sensory analysis. In the board of the Italian Statistical Society from 2014 to 2018. From 2015, he is the coordinator of StatisticAll, the only festival dedicated to Statistics and Demography, held in Treviso (Italy).

Marcello Chiodi is a full Professor of Statistics, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics, University of Palermo (Italy) since 2000. Coordinator of Phd council (2008-2015), Head of the Department (2015-2018), President of the Commission for Professor in Statistics (2019-2022). In the board of the Italian Statistical Society from 2004 to 2008. He wrotes in the area of Statistics in seismology, dependence models, multivariate statistics and approximations to sampling distributions.

Ernst C. Wit is Professor of Statistics and Data Science at the Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland. He holds PhDs in Philosophy (1997, Penn State) and Statistics (2000, University of Chicago) and held academic positions in Australia, UK and the Netherlands. His research focuses on high-dimensional inference and network modelling. He is the author of 120 peer-reviewed publications. He has served as the President of the European Bernoulli Society, President of the Dutch Biostatistics Society and as a Director of the International Biometrics Society.