Marc Silberstein Editor

Thomas Heams, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Animal Genomics at AgroParisTech, Paris (Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences). His teaching and research interests are at the crossroads of Animal Sciences, Molecular Biology and the History of Scientific Ideas. He has coordinated several translations of books from English (American) and German to French. He is a member of the Editions Matériologiques editorial board.

Philippe Huneman, PhD, is Research Director at the Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (CNRS / Université Paris I Sorbonne). He is a philosopher of biology, working mainly on issues about evolutionary biology. His main published papers are about: the variety of evolutionary explanations, causation and explanation in biology, the issue of individuality in biology and ecology, and the formal definitions of emergence, as well as the concept of organism and its role in current biology. This last topic relates to former work he has been extensively doing about Kantian views of biology with regard to prebiological conceptions of organisms. (Métaphysique et biologie. Kant et la constitution du concept d'organisme, Paris: Kimé, 2008). He also edited Functions: selection and mechanisms (Synthese Library, Dordrecht: Springer. 2012), with Frédéric Bouchard, From Groups to Individuals. (Cambridge : MIT Press, 2013) and with Denis Walsh, Challenges in Evolutionary Biology, to come out at Oxford University Press in 2014.

Guillaume Lecointre, PhD, is a research scientist, systematist, professor at Paris Museum (Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle) where he leads the research department of Systematics and Evolution. He's also involved in the improvement of the training of french teachers in systematics and evolutionary sciences. He published more than one hundred peer-reviewed papers and ten books (among them "The tree of life", with Hervé Le Guyader, Harvard Univ. Press).

With a background in biology (ethology), Marc Silberstein is a scientific publisher. Founder of Editions Matériologiques (Paris) in 2010. Editor with Jean-Jacques Kupiec et al.Le Hasard au cœur de la cellule (EM, 2011)  ; avec Thomas Heams, Philippe Huneman, Guillaume Lecointre, Les Mondes darwiniens. L’évolution de l’évolution (first ed.  : 2009, new ed.  : 2011 )  ; with Gérard Lambert & Philippe Huneman, Disease, Classification and Evidence  : New essays in the philosophy of medicine (Springer, 2014)  ; Marc Silberstein (ed.), Matériaux philosophiques et scientifiques pour un matérialisme contemporain (2013).