Marc Bonnet Author

Henri Savall is an Emeritus Professor at the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises, University Jean Moulin Lyon, France where he is the founder of the EUGINOV Centre (École Universitaire de Gestion Innovante) and the Socio-Economic Management Master’s programs. He is also the founder and president of the ISEOR Research Center where he supervised 78 doctoral theses.

Michel Péron was an Emeritus Professor at the University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, France. Lexicographer, he published several English-French dictionaries. He unfortunately passed away two weeks before the French version was published.

Véronique Zardet is a Professor of Management Sciences and director of EUGINOV (École Universitaire de Gestion Innovante) Center, IAE Lyon Business School, Jean Moulin University, France.

Marc Bonnet is Professor of Management at EUGINOV Center, IAE Lyon Business School, Jean Moulin University, France.