Manussos Marangudakis Author & Editor

Agnes Horvath is a founding and chief editor of International Political Anthropology. She taught in Hungary, Ireland and Italy, and was affiliate visiting scholar and supervisor at the University of Cambridge. She is the author of Modernism and Charisma, the co-author of Walking into the Void, and The Political Sociology and Anthropology of Evil: Tricksterology, and the co-editor of Breaking Boundaries: Varieties of Liminality.

Arpad Szakolczai is Professor of Sociology at University College Cork, Ireland, and previously taught Social Theory at the European University Institute in Florence. He is the author of Max Weber and Michel Foucault, Reflexive Historical Sociology, Comedy and the Public Sphere, and Permanent Liminality and Modernity, and the co-author of From Anthropology to Social Theory: Rethinking the Social Sciences.

Manussos Marangudakis is Professor of Comparative Cultural Sociology at the University of the Aegean, Greece and previously has taught at Queen’s University in Belfast and the University of Ulster. He is the author of The Greek Disaster and its Cultural Origins, Greek Anarchism as a Religious Phenomenon, Genealogies of Sociology, and American Fundamentalism.