Manuel Arias-Estévez Editor

Avelino Núñez-Delgado is a Professorat the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at the University of Santiago de Compostela. His main research interests include: recycling, studying red mud as a sorbent material, sewage sludge, wood ash, and other types of waste and by-products, as well as different mixtures, retention/inactivation of pathogens and chemical contaminants, and potential for agronomic recycling of various types of waste and by-products. Lately, his main research has been focused on the retention of pollutants, the use of by-products to reach this end, this facilitating recycling of these materials. He has published 100+ scientific articles, authored several book chapters and books and his research group has already registered 8 patents in these topics.

Manuel Arias-Estévez is a Professor-Researcher at the Department of Plant Biology and Soil Science, at the University of Vigo, Spain. His research focusses mainly on soil pollution characterization and treatment, as well as on agricultural chemistry. He has authored 200+ scientific articles, 6 book chapters/books, has given 150+ presentations at international congresses, and participated in more than 30 research projects. He is currently within the directive staff of “Sociedad Española de Ciencia del Suelo” (Spanish Soil Science Society) and is a member of the “International Union of Soil Science”.