Mathematical Problem Solving: Yearbook 2009, Association Of Mathematics Educator
3 contributors - Hardback
Young Hoan Cho is an assistant professor of Educational Technology in the Department of Education at Seoul National University, South Korea. He earned a PhD in information science and learning technologies from the University of Missouri, USA. He was previously a research scientist at the Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore. His research focuses on problem-based learning environments, computer-supported collaborative learning, argumentation, and 3D virtual worlds.
Imelda S. Caleon is Research Scientist at the Centre for research in Pedagogy and Practice, National Institute of Education, Singapore. Her research interests include conceptual change and development, informal learning, inquiry-based learning and creative-collaborative problem solving, particularly in relation to science education.
Manu Kapur is an Associate Professor of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning, as well as the Head of Research of the Learning Sciences Lab at the National Institute of Education (Singapore). His research examines the role of Productive Failure in learning and problem solving.