Mansour Nasasra Editor

Haim Yacobi is a Professor of Development Planning at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London. In 1999 he formulated the idea of establishing "Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights" and co-founded this NGO that deals with human rights and planning in Israel\Palestine. His research interest in relation to urban space are social justice, urban health, migration, and colonial planning. His latest books are Rethinking Israeli Space: Periphery and Identity (2011 with Erez Tzfadia) and Israel and Africa: A Genealogy of Moral Geography (2016).

Mansour Nasasra is a lecturer in Middle East politics and international relations at the Department of Politics and Government, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. He was a research fellow at the Council for British Research in the Levant and has been a recipient of British Academy grants. Nasasra is the author of The Naqab Bedouins: A Century of Politics and Resistance (2017). He is also co-editor of The Naqab Bedouin and Colonialism: New Perspectives (2015).