Argumentation Mining
2 authors - Paperback
Manfred Stede is a professor of Applied Computational Linguistics at the University of Potsdam, Germany. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto in 1996 with a thesis on language generation; in those years he studied discourse structure primarily for its role in text generation. After working for five years in a machine translation project at TU Berlin, he moved to Potsdam in 2001, where his interests shifted to text analysis. He conducted research projects on applications like information extraction and text summarization, and on more theoretical matters like the semantics and pragmatics of connectives. In conjunction with research on discourse parsing, he began to work on argumentation in the 2000s, focusing first on newspaper editorials. Following the design of an annotation scheme, he proceeded to work on approaches to deriving argumentation structure trees from short texts, and on various other aspects of argumentation mining.Jodi Schneider is an assistant professor in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigns School of Information Sciences. She has held research positions across the United States as well as in Ireland, England, France, and Chile. She earned her Ph.D. in informatics (National University of Ireland, Galway), two Masters degrees in library & information science (UIUC) and in mathematics (UT-Austin), and a Bachelors degree (Great Books, St. Johns College, Annapolis, MD). She has authored over 30 research publications on topics in argumentation, artificial intelligence, biomedical informatics, and computer-supported collaborative work. Her research uses arguments, evidence, and persuasion as a lens to study scholarly communication and social media. She also develops and evaluates tools to manage scientific evidence from the biomedical literature with an NIH-funded project, Text Mining Pipeline to Accelerate Systematic Reviews in Evidence-Based Medicine.