The Littlest Inventor
Mandi Mathis - Paperback
Mandi Mathis is from Eastman, Georgia, USA. She graduated from the University of Georgia's Grady College ofJournalism and Mass Communication, and Pepperdine School of Law. She currently works at Cowsert andAvery, LLP in Athens, Georgia, and serves on the Butterfly Dreams Farm Therapeutic Riding Program's Boardof Directors.
Mandi is married to Jeff and they are the proud parents of Kalie, Tyson and Sawyer. She was introduced to theworld of Sensory Processing Disorder while running through the grocery store at a full sprint with heryoungest son, Sawyer, tucked under her arm like a football while screaming at the top of his lungs.
He was subsequently diagnosed with Asperger's with SPD and, as the Grateful Dead might say: what a long,strange trip it's been. Teaching Sawyer to comfort, calm and advocate for himself is one of her greatestaccomplishments. In return, he has taught her more about science than she ever dreamed of learning. Tellingthis part of Sawyer's story to help others is a dream come true.