Software-Defined Network Frameworks
4 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Mandeep Kaur is presently working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sharda University. Dr. Kaur has completed her B.Tech in CSE from UPTU, M.Tech in CSE from PTU & completed Ph.D from Sharda University. Her topic of research was “Thought Recognition: Knowledge Discovery from EEG Signals and Classifying by Classifier Ensemble”. Dr Kaur has 17+ years of Teaching Experience in various technical Universities/ Institutions. She is Ph.D Coordinator (SET), IoT Program Coordinator, Mentor and guiding research investigations for under-graduate, post-graduate engineering students & Ph.D scholars in the areas including Image Processing, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, DBMS, Soft Computing.
Dr. Vishal Jain is presently working as an Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sharda School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, U. P., India. Before that, he has worked for several years as an Associate Professor at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi. He has more than 16 years of experience in the academics. He obtained Ph.D (CSE), M.Tech (CSE), MBA (HR), MCA, MCP and CCNA. He has more than 1130 research citation indices with Google Scholar (h-index score 17 and i-10 index 27). He has authored more than 95 research papers in reputed conferences and journals, including Web of Science and Scopus. He has authored and edited more than 45 books with various reputed publishers. He is the series editor of 10 book series. He is life member of CSI, ISTE and senior member of IEEE. His research areas include information retrieval, semantic web, ontology engineering, data mining, ad hoc networks, and sensor networks. He received a Young Active Member Award for the year 2012–13 from the Computer Society of India, Best Faculty Award for the year 2017 and Best Researcher Award for the year 2019 from BVICAM, New Delhi.
Prof. (Dr.) Parma Nand is PhD. in Computer Science & Engineering from IIT Roorkee, M.Tech &B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from IIT Delhi. Prof Parma Nand is having more than 27 years of experience both in industry and academia. He had received various awards like best teacher award from Union Minister, best students project guide award from Microsoft in 2015 and best faculty award from cognizant in 2016. He had successfully completed government funded projects and spearheaded last five IEEE International conferences on Computing, Communication & Automation (ICCCA), IEEE students chapters, Technovation Hackathon 2019, Technovation Hackathon 2020, International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS-2021). He is member Executive Council of IEEE UP section (R-10), member Executive Committee IEEE Computer and Signal Processing Society, member Exec. India council Computer Society, member Executive Council Computer Society of India, Noida section and has acted as an observer in many IEEE conferences. He is also having active memberships of ACM, IEEE, CSI, ACEEE, ISOC, IAENG, and IASCIT. He is life time member of Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS) and ISTE. Currently, Prof. (Dr.) Parma Nand is Dean Academic Affairs, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India.
Prof. (Dr.) Nitin Rakesh is a recipient of IBM Drona Award and Top 10 State Award Winner. He is active member of professional society like Senior Member IEEE (USA), ACM, SIAM (USA), Life Member of CSI and other professional societies. He is reviewer of several prestigious Journals/Transactions. His research outlines emphasis on Network Coding, Interconnection Networks & Architecture and Online Phantom Transactions. Dr. Nitin has accorded several other awards for Best Paper Published, Session Chairs, Highest Cited author, Best Students Thesis Guided, and many others. Dr. Nitin has been instrumental in various Industrial Interfacing for Academic and Research at his previous assignments at various organisations. He is having 180+ publication in Scopus Indexed/SCI/High impact Journals and International Conferences. Dr. Nitin is guided five PhD students of various Universities and Industries. He has successfully guided several M.Tech and B.Tech students. Dr. Nitin was contributory in various prestigious Accreditations like NAAC, NBA, QAA, WASC, UGC, IAU, IET and others.