A Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Delivery
4 contributors - Paperback
Shabir A Parah received his Ph.D. degree in Electronics from the University of Kashmir, Srinagar in 2013 in the field of Image processing. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electronics and IT, University of Kashmir. He has authored or co-authored 150+ papers in the journals and conferences of international repute. His fields of interest are multimedia signal processing, secure communication, smart health, IoMT and Spintronics. He is member of many professional organization like IEEE, IAENG, IEA etc.
Mamoon Rashid is Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Vishwakarma University, Pune, India. He has published 80+ papers indexed in SCI/SCIE journals and Conferences of International repute. He is a regular contributor to monthly Editorial of CSI Communications and serves as in Editorial Review Board for many journals. His research interests include Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Neuro Imaging, & Image Processing.
Vijayakumar Varadarajan is currently an Adjunct Professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He is also a Data Science Advisor for Brite Yellow Pvt Ltd United Kingdom, He was a Professor and Associate Dean for School of Computing Science and Engineering at VIT University, Chennai, India. He has more than 18 years of experience including industrial and institutional.. He has completed his PhD from Anna University in 2012. He has published many articles in national and international level journals/conferences/books. He has initiated a number of international research collaborations with universities in Europe, Australia, Africa, Malaysia, Singapore and North & South America. His research interests include computational areas covering grid computing, cloud computing, computer networks, cyber security and big data. He is also a member of several national and international professional bodies including IFSA, EAI, BIS, ISTE, IAENG, CSTA, IEA.