Malin Rönnblom Editor

Christine Hudson is a Professor in Political Science at Umeå University, Sweden. She has researched on a wide number of policy areas including city planning and urban and regional policy particularly from a feminist perspective. She has worked with emotional and visual dimensions in studying women’s citizenship in the city and in relation to feelings of fear and safety. Among her recent publications are "Sharing Fairly? Mobility, Citizenship, and Gender Relations in Two Swedish City-Regions, Journal of Urban Affairs, 2017.

Malin Rönnblom is an Associate Professor in Political Science and a Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies, dividing her time between Karlstad and Umeå Universities, both in Sweden. Her main research interests are related to critical policy studies, rural and urban studies, as well as feminist political theory. Among her recent publications in English are: "Planning the new city – emotional reactions and positions", in Emotions, Space and Society,2016, with Linda Sandberg, and "Contesting feminist discursive institutionalism – a poststructural alternative" in NORA, 2014, with Carol Bacchi.

Katherine Teghtsoonian is Professor Emerita at the University of Victoria, Canada. Her research has explored neoliberalism and its complex relationships with public and organizational policies in diverse empirical fields. Journals in which her work has been published include Critical Policy Studies, International Journal of Political Science, Politics and Gender, Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society and Social Science & Medicine.