Texte Et Discours En Confrontation Dans l'Espace Européen
4 contributors - Paperback
Simone Bonnafous is Professor of Media and Communications at the University of Paris-Est Créteil. In 1999, she created the research cluster Céditec, which she directed until 2008. After her doctoral dissertation on the 1979 convention of the Socialist Party in Metz, she worked extensively on the discourse about immigration and immigrants. Located at the crossroads of linguistics and political science, her best known book is Immigration surrounded by words (1991). More recent publications have focused on gender studies (such as the International Women’s Day). Since 2006, she has held leading positions in higher education administration in France.
Malika Temmar is lecturer of linguistics and discourse analysis at the University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens. She has been member of Céditec since its foundation in 1999. She works on philosophical discourses (such as Descartes, Condillac, Merleau-Ponty) and media discourses (such as blogs of literary critics). Her research focuses on concepts and methods of discourse analysis. She has recently co-edited a book on Discourses of the Economy, to appear in 2013. She has co-edited a special issue with Le discours et la langue on « les sujets de l’énonciation ». Her work Le recours à la fiction dans le discours philosophique will come out in April 2013.