Makoto Suzuki Editor & Author

Makoto Suzuki graduated from Yamagata University in 1974 and received his Doctor of Engineering degree from Tohoku University in 1981. Following his studies, he worked at the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (MEL/AIST) for eleven years, and at the National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR/AIST) for five years. He moved from NAIR to Tohoku University as a professor in 1996. Using his improved-high-precision system of dielectric spectroscopy, he discovered hyper-mobile water (HMW) in the hydration layer of actin filaments, one of the contractile muscle proteins, in 2003. He organized "Water Plays the Main Role in ATP Energy Transfer" (2008-2012) as an Innovative Scientific Research Area, an interdisciplinary project focused on the energetics of protein machineries.