Makiko Kasai Editor

Makiko Kasai (she/her) works at the Naruto University of Education in Tokushima, Japan as a professor and the director of Student Guidance and Support Center. She graduated from University of Missouri-Columbia with Ph.D. Her research interests include counseling and clinical psychology with psychoanalytic self psychology orientation and practice of gender and sexual minorities. cyberbullying, sexuality education, and LGBTQ+ friendly counselor training. She serves as the executive director of the Japanese Society of Clinical Psychology and as a national delegate to the Japanese Society of Clinical Psychologists.

Yuichi Toda is Professor of Osaka Kyoiku University (Osaka University of Education). He received his B.A. and M.A. at University of Tokyo, and then he studied at the doctoral course of University of Tokyo. He was a visiting fellow at Goldsmiths College, University of London during March 1998-January 1999, and a short time visiting professor of University of Vienna in summer time from 2007 till 2010. He has written several English language articles on bullying/ijime. His research with Dr Dagmar Strohmeier has received den Hauptpreis des Bank Austria Preises zur Förderung innovativer Forschungsprojekte 2008.

Stephen T. Russell (he/him) is Priscilla Pond Flawn Regents Professor in Child Development, chair of the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, and Amy Johnson McLaughlin Director of the School of Human Ecology at the University of Texas at Austin. He is an expert in adolescent and young adult health, with a focus on sexual orientation and gender identity. He has served on the governing boards of the Society for Research in Child Development, National Council on Family Relations (and is an elected fellow), the Council on Contemporary Families, SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, and the Society for Research on Adolescence (he served as President 2012-2014).