Dr. Leonardo’s Journey to Sloboda Switzerland with His Future Lover, the Beautiful Alcesta
Maik Yohansen - Paperback
Maik Yohansen (1896–1937) was a prolific Ukrainian modernist writer, poet, playwright, translator, and linguist. One of the founders of VAPLITE and Hart independent collectives of writers, he also was closely involved with the journal Literaturnyi iarmarok (The Literary Fair). In August 1937, he was arrested by the Soviet regime and executed two months later, along with thousands of other Ukrainian intellectuals in what became known as the Executed Renaissance. Uilleam Blacker is Associate Professor in Comparative East European Culture at University College London. He is the author of Memory, the City, and the Legacy of World War II in East Central Europe and of numerous translations from Ukrainian and Russian. Halyna Hryn is a literary scholar and translator, and the editor of Harvard Ukrainian Studies. Her translations include several novels by Oksana Zabuzhko and Volodymyr Dibrova.