Democracy and the Future
3 contributors - Hardback
Michael K. MacKenzie is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests include democratic theory, intergenerational relations, deliberation, environmental policy, political representation, institutional design, and public engagement. He is the author of Future Publics: Democracy, Deliberation, and Future-Regarding Collective Action, New York: Oxford University Press (2021) along with several other books, chapters and articles.University of Pittsburgh.Maija Set l is Professor in Political Science at the University of Turku. She specializes in democratictheory, with a focus on deliberative democracy, direct democracy, and democratic innovations. She is the author of Referendums and Democratic Government: Normative Theory and the Analysis ofInstitutions, Basingstoke: Macmillan Press (1999) and several other chapters and articles both in English and Finnish.Simo Kyll nen is Lecturer in Research Ethics and Open Science at the University of Helsinki. His main research topics are related to intergenerational justice, democratic theory and ethics of climate change. He has contributed to books and journals on climate change, intergenerational ethics and democracy.