Changing The Dynamics And Impact Of Innovation Management: A Systems Approach And The Iso Standard
6 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Patrik Thollander is a professor of energy systems in the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University and guest professor at Department of Building, Energy and Environment Engineering, University of Gävle. Patrik is conducting research related to improved energy efficiency in industrial energy systems. In addition to this, he is involved in courses in energy systems, modeling, energy auditing, energy management, and industrial energy policy. Dr. Magnus Karlsson is an associate professor of energy systems in the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University. Magnus is conducting research related to improved energy efficiency in industrial energy systems. In addition to this, he is involved in courses in energy systems, modeling, optimization, energy auditing, energy management, and industrial energy policy. Dr. Patrik Rohdin is an associate professor of energy systems in the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University. Patrik is conducting research related to improved energy efficiency in industrial energy systems and in buildings. In addition to this, he is involved in courses in energy systems, building energy systems, modeling, energy auditing, energy management, and industrial and building energy policy. Dr. Johan Wollin is the Global Director of Energy Management at Volvo Construction Equipment. Johan has worked with Lean and Toyota Production System inside Toyota’s Operations Management Development Division to build fundamental understanding of the thought process and philosophy behind Lean as well as the practical implementation on the shop floor. Johan holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Coventry University, UK. Mr Jakob Rosenqvist is currently working as Energy technician at Tranås Energi where he is working with energy audits and metering. Jacob previously spent almost ten years as a Research technician in the Energy systems team in the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University, Sweden. Jakob is an experienced lecturer in energy systems, industrial and building energy systems, energy auditing, as well as energy metering.